You are currently viewing 28th February – Lunchtime Concerts – Ida Pelliccioli (Piano)

28th February – Lunchtime Concerts – Ida Pelliccioli (Piano)

BACH transcriptions
Bach-Busoni – Chorale Prelude ‘Ich ruf zu dir’ BWV639
– Chorale Prelude ‘Nun komm Der Heiden Heiland’  BWV569
– Prelude, Fugue & Allegro in E flat major, BWV998
Bach-Liszt – Prelude & Fugue in B minor, BWV544
Bach-Kempff – Siciliano from Flute Sonata No.2, BWV1031
Bach-Brahms – Chaconne in D minor for the left hand, BWV1004

“This programme presents transcriptions of Bach’s works for organ, flute and violin in order to show how the artistry of J S Bach inspired and moved other composers who understood that the musical substance of the underlying works they chose to transcribe is not static but capable of constant reworking and evolution.” [Ida Pelliccioli]