About Us
St Olave’s Church is one of the few surviving mediaeval buildings in London encompassing rich history and many links to historic City organisations. This is our mission; we are called to be:
A sanctuary:
- A safe, sacred holy place. John Betjeman described St Olave’s as “a country church in the world of Seething Lane”.
- A connection to the depth and spiritual transformation of Jesus Christ. Worship on Sunday at 11.00 a.m. and Tuesdays at 12.30
- A place of quiet prayer and reflection amidst the bustle of the City of London in the church and the churchyard.
A place of grace:
- A history of almost 1000 years, proclaiming and reflecting the good news of Jesus Christ,
- Journey together to grow in our faith and understanding of the Bible, inspired by the Holy Spirit.
- Through choral music on Sundays and special services, we deepen spiritual reflection.
- A belief in the power of prayer.
- A place of hospitality, all are welcome.
A wellspring:
- The love of Jesus Christ flows out our very being, to connect others to Christ, in word and deed.
- A desire to see children and youth encounter Jesus Christ.
- A centre for the arts -we reflect on the connection of the arts and theology, as well the rich history.
- Service to the City in all its diversity, the Tower Ward and local livery companies.
- To show Jesus’ love practically to the homeless, refugees, and those who suffer poverty.
Click here to read our Mission Action Plan for 2023-2026
St Olave's Hart Street
Our Team
Rector Vacant
Alex Volossevich
Assistant Vicar
Dr Jim Harris
Lay Minister
Graham Mundy
Honorary Treasurer / Treasurer
Penny Ritchie Calder
Richard Bucknall
Colin Spinks
Director Of Music
Rina Wood
Safeguarding Officer
020 7488 4318
Brian Grumbridge
Olivia Whelan
Honorary Secretary
Michael Gammie
Concerts Manager
St Olave's
Affiliates & Partners
A history of almost 1000 years, proclaiming and reflecting the good news of Jesus Christ.
A Place Of Grace Our Church's Mission
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