Discover Christianity

With St Olave's

Faith & Worship

A welcoming sanctuary in the City of London for more than 900 years that still thrives today.


The Christian Faith

Christianity is centred on the historical figure of Jesus Christ. Over two thousand years ago, Jesus was born in a small Palestinian village. He grew up to become the most
remarkable and influential figure in the whole of history. We believe that in Jesus Christ, God became human and lived among us. He lived a human life and taught his followers about love, justice, and hope. Through his teaching he became a threat to the religious and political authorities.

When he was in his 30s Jesus was arrested and executed by being nailed to a wooden cross (the crucifixion), even though he was without sin. When he had died his followers buried his body in a tomb, yet to the amazement of his followers, God raised him back to life three days later (the resurrection). The tomb was discovered to be empty and Jesus appeared to his terrified friends who were hiding from the authorities.

His followers were utterly transformed by this experience. They were no longer fearful but became emboldened to tell others that Jesus had conquered death and was alive.

The news spread and the message of Jesus has been passed from person to person ever since.

Now there are billions of Christians all over the world. On the Day of Pentecost (Acts 2), through the power of the Holy Spirit, there were many signs and wonders, miracles, and healings.

Today we too can know Jesus and allow him to transform our lives. Because Jesus has risen from the dead, we can be assured that death is not the end; we can be forgiven for all the things that we as human beings get wrong and make a fresh start in life.

As Jesus’ modern day followers, Christians are now called to share the love of Jesus with the whole world by loving and caring for all who are in need and telling everyone about
Jesus’ message – a message of peace, hope and love for the whole of humanity.

The best place to learn more about Jesus and discover his message is in the Gospels. Click here to download the four Gospels.

To find out more about the Christian faith please contact our rector Arani Sen.  We also offer regular Bible Study classes held on Tuesday evenings online details for which are shared via our newsletter (which you can subscribe to at the bottom of this page).

Another section of useful online resources to help you read the bible and pray:  

Thy Kingdom Come – prayer resources from the Archbishops of Canterbury and York.
The Bible Project
The Bible Project is a non-profit organisation helping people experience the Bible as a unified story that leads to Jesus. They have a website, YouTube channel and podcast to delve into. The Word Study videos and accompanying notes are a brilliant resource for small groups.

Sign up for their newsletter for weekly Small Group notes.  

Pray as you Go
An easy to use daily prayer app

Church of England Daily Prayer App
Join thousands of others in the Church of England in prayer each day

Mission & Purpose

Faith & Purpose

St Olave’s Church is one of the few surviving mediaeval buildings in London encompassing rich history and many links to historic City organisations. This is our mission; we are called to be:

Mission & Purpose

A Sanctuary

  • A safe, sacred holy place. John Betjeman described St Olave’s as “a country church in the world of Seething Lane”.
  • A connection to the depth and spiritual transformation of Jesus Christ. Worship on Sunday at 11.00 a.m. and Tuesdays at 12.30
  • A place of quiet prayer and reflection amidst the bustle of the City of London in the church and the churchyard.
Mission & Purpose

A Place Of Grace

  • A history of almost 1000 years, proclaiming and reflecting the good news of Jesus Christ,
  • Journey together to grow in our faith and understanding of the Bible, inspired by the Holy Spirit.
  • Through choral music on Sundays and special services, we deepen spiritual reflection.
  • A belief in the power of prayer.
  • A place of hospitality, all are welcome
Mission & Purpose

A Well Spring

  • The love of Jesus Christ flows out our very being, to connect others to Christ, in word and deed.
  • A desire to see children and youth encounter Jesus Christ.
  • A centre for the arts -we reflect on the connection of the arts and theology, as well the rich history.
  • Service to the City in all its diversity, the Tower Ward and local livery companies.
  • To show Jesus’ love practically to the homeless, refugees, and those who suffer poverty.
Mission & Purpose

Mission Action Plan

Learn more about our Mission Action Plan 2023-2026


Bible Study

You might find it useful to join our Bible Study Classes:

  • If you would like to explore Christianity or are new to faith we suggest joining Alpha where you will receive a warm welcome wherever you are in your spiritual journey.
  • In some groups you can dig into the Bible alongside other Christians and deepen your understanding of script.
  • Sometimes we need to deepen our relationship with God in order to accept his grace and hear his truth. This may be around a particular new phase of life such as marriage, a new baby, or a new job, or a challenge in life such as relationship breakdown or hurt from the past that you cant let go. Personal pastoral discussion or joining one of our groups exploring life may provide an opportunity for this

For further details please subscribe to our newsletter below for regular updates on topics and times.


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Opening Times


Sunday Service from 11am
Tuesday Services from 12:30pm

Lunchtime Recitals

Wednesdays from 1pm
Thursdays from 1pm.

Opening Times

Mon:10:30 - 17:00 Tue:10:30 - 17:00 Wed:10:30 - 17:00 Thu:10:30 - 17:00

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