Support Our Church

Donations & Legacies

Donations & Fundraising

Key Numbers

How much it costs to maintain St Olave's per day

Pounds Sterling

Years Since We Were Founded:

Years Old
Like all Church of England parishes, St Olave has to generate its own income in order to sustain its ongoing ministry, as well as maintain this Grade 1 listed Church. It currently costs around £3000 per week to maintain the church and our ministries, and your generosity is greatly appreciated.We all continue to work hard to maximise our resources while balancing the needs of a worshipping community. We rely on numerous volunteers and donations to support our community work such as our work with homeless people and rough sleepers in the City, our faith and ministry, as well as our varied and diverse response to the needs of those who visit us.

Your financial support will allow us to continue looking after the physical, mental and spiritual needs of many people in the city, to increase how often we can keep our building open, to welcome tourists and visitors, to provide a space for concerts and exhibitions, and to maintain our active presence in the City for future generations. Thank you.
Donations & Fundraising

Regular & One Off Giving

Regular & One Off Giving

Please consider giving a One-Off Gift or Regularly by Monthly Standing Order both are available via the Give as you Live website, which is an easy and secure way to give. If you would prefer to give via traditional means, you are welcome to send a cheque or please get in touch to discuss how you would like to give. You can make a donation by credit, debit card or standing order by clicking here (If you are a UK tax payer, please ensure that you tick the Gift Aid box on the donation page.)

If you would prefer to make a donation by cheque, please make it payable to “St Olave PCC” and send it to St Olave Church, 8 Hart Street, London EC3R 7NB. Also, if you would like to give regularly and would prefer a paper version of a standing order form, again, please write or email us providing your address for this to be sent to. Thank you again.

Donations & Fundraising

Leaving A legacy

Leaving A Legacy

A gift in your will can make a lasting difference by enabling us to achieve something that we would not normally do. You may also wish to channel your gift to mission or community projects, to maintenance of the church fabric, to one of our community projects or music, or in some other way.

Please get in touch via the “Contact Us” button on the website if you would like to know more about leaving a legacy to St Olave Hart Street. We really appreciate all you can do to support our giving schemes which are crucial in helping us to plan and budget with confidence. and ensure we can continue to support our community work and faith and ministry in the City.

Donations & Fundraising

Why Give To St Olave's?

Why give to St Olave Hart Street?
We have set out below some of the projects we have been involved with. 
These include:- Supporting Charities to get homeless men and women into work: we continue to encourage many City businesses and hotels to contribute clothes as well as to give financially to support them.We of course continue to provide our faith and ministry support as well as chaplaincy at this time. This includes providing a range of online recorded and streamed worship services, pastoral and prayer support, access to wellbeing and mental health resources and much more. We also work hard to maintain a grade 1 listed building to ensure that it will remain as a place of sanctuary for generations to come.

Regular & One Off Giving

Please consider giving a One-Off Gift or Regularly by Monthly Standing Order both are available via the Give as you Live website, which is an easy and secure way to give. If you would prefer to give via traditional means, you are welcome to send a cheque or please get in touch to discuss how you would like to give. You can make a donation by credit, debit card or standing order by clicking here (If you are a UK tax payer, please ensure that you tick the Gift Aid box on the donation page.)

If you would prefer to make a donation by cheque, please make it payable to “St Olave PCC” and send it to St Olave Church, 8 Hart Street, London EC3R 7NB. Also, if you would like to give regularly and would prefer a paper version of a standing order form, again, please write or email us providing your address for this to be sent to. Thank you again.

Leaving A Legacy

A gift in your will can make a lasting difference by enabling us to achieve something that we would not normally do. You may also wish to channel your gift to mission or community projects, to maintenance of the church fabric, to one of our community projects or music, or in some other way.

Please get in touch via the “Contact Us” button on the website if you would like to know more about leaving a legacy to St Olave Hart Street. We really appreciate all you can do to support our giving schemes which are crucial in helping us to plan and budget with confidence. and ensure we can continue to support our community work and faith and ministry in the City.

We need your help

Charities That We Support

YHA St Pauls
Harvest Appeal
Suited & Booted
Jesuit Refugee Service
Dress For Success
The Hygeine Bank

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